Day #22 weigh-in: 120.4, up 1.4 pounds from yesterday. Even though I took a 1/2-hour walk on the beach after the rain, yesterday was a big food day–a splurge.
Reminder: Our goal is to consume as close to 1000 calories as possible each day of this 28-day diet, while maintaining the high nutrition and 80% alkaline/20% acid ratio of our OsteoDiet. At the end of the 28 days, we’ll determine our Metabolic Function Index, a measure of our metabolic rate, using the tables in Dr. Sanford Siegal’s book, Is Your Thyroid Making You Fat?.
Here’s what on the menu today:
68 1/2 cup Multigrain Oatbran cereal (had to eat it dry: out of milk)
99 Almonds, 11
105 Banana
0 Raspberry tea + Vitality C powder
N/A Supplements
155 Turkey burger (made with ground turkey breast, Italian-style bread crumbs, egg, gravy mix, and water)
33 Salad (1/2 cup Romaine lettuce, 4; 1/2 cup tomatoes, 18; matchstick carrots, 5; celery, 1 stalk, 6)
0 Water
160 Cocommune Bar from Designs for Health (Coconut Filled Immune System Support Bar)
0 Water
75 Egg
160 Ezekiel bread, 2 slices
66 Earth Balance buttery spread, 2 tsp.
70 Greens Shake + Liquid Chlorophyll
N/A Supplements
0 Water
0 Raspberry Tea + Vitality C powder
Total Calories for the Day: 991
See you tomorrow!