I don’t usually eat a 1000-calorie diet during any particular day.  In fact, my usual caloric intake tends toward 1500-1800 calories per day.   Once in a while though, it’s interesting that the total ends up so low, especially since I was full and satisfied all day!  🙂


240    1 cup of plain FAGE yogurt (130) + drizzle of honey (~10)  + 11  raw almonds (99)
8    1 cup of jasmine green tea + 1/2 tsp. honey
0    8 oz. water


160     1 “Quest Bar” (from GNC)
0     16 oz. water


24      4 medium stalks of celery
100      1 tbsp. “Justin’s” brand all-natural almond butter (from Publix)
0      8 oz. water

Sunday dinner:

130       4 oz. Crockpot chicken cooked with Stubb’s Barbecue Sauce
78      Fresh green beans (34) and mushrooms (4), sauteed in olive oil and water (25), seasoned with garlic & herb spice
100       Small garlic cheese biscuit
100       For dessert:  Sliced strawberries (25)  on top of 1/4 cup of “So Delicious!” brand coconut milk frozen dessert, chocolate flavor (75)
0      8 oz. water
35      Cup of decaf hazelnut coffee with 1 tbsp. of Publix “Natural Bliss” coffee creamer


0      16 oz. water
25      Nutritional supplements

Total:   1000

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