As of 8/25/07, I am taking the following list of supplements in the quest to build bone:
1) Dr. Rogers prescribed Thyroid hormone (not Synthroid) temporarily to heal my thyroid gland, which has been swollen for years.
2) He also recommended that I take Stem Enhance, the first supplement made that enhances both the release of adult stem cells from the bone marrow and their migration into the areas of the body that need them. If you interested in learning more about Stem Enhance, you can visit my Stem Enhance website at
3) Other supplements from both Dr. Rogers and Dr. D’Antonio include: Vibe, Bio-Chlor, Probiotic+, Silica Plus, Adrenal Cortex Extract, Adrenal Essence, BioActive Homeopathic Drainage, Corvalen (D-Ribose), MedCaps T3, Select E-400, Niacin, L-Glutamine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, MedCaps IS, Oraxinol, PaleoGreens, Burdock Extract, Liquid Calcium Magnesium, Cal Apatite Forte, Arctic Omega, Lipotropic Complex, and Nutrivitamin Enzyme Complex.
4) Off-and-on I have also taken emotional remedies that Dr. D’Antonio prescribed. Emotions cause chemicals to be made in the body which, if not processed, are stored in the body as polypeptides. Negative emotional chemicals can cause imbalance and harm to the body. They can stem from such emotions as anger, fear, bitterness, feelings of rejection and loss, and even the fear of loss of self-control. Using the LSA computer system, Dr. D’Antonio can detect the electronic signatures of unprocessed emotions that are causing imbalance in the body, and he has prescribed either Bach flower remedies or Bioactive homeopathic remedies to rid the body of these toxic chemicals. Both doctors have also recommended books to help me change my way of thinking about life and people, so that I don’t fall into the same emotional traps! (See “Building Blocks for Building Bone – Books.”)