fruitandvegetables-main_full-150x1501Breakfast:   Millet flakes with blueberries and almonds, large glass of water with lemon juice and Vitality C powder, supplements

Snack:  Apple

Lunch:  Cocoa Cherry Standard Bar, Computer Salad, water

Snack:  3 Almond Butter Balls

Supper:  Quick-Fix Alphabet Soup, Water with lemon, supplements

Bedtime:  1/2 cup Purely Decadent brand Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert Made with Coconut Milk (Recommended by my doctor and only 150 calories per serving!)


1 Comment on The Daily Diet – Friday, May 21, 2010

  1. GloriaF says:

    Nutrition, particularly an alkaline diet, can be helpful.
    Here is one link to get started:
    I also drink water from a Hydroanalytics kangen water ionizer.
    The IE-500 produces ionized calcium alkaline water which appears better absorbed.
    Here is a link on animal studies which, although not a health claim, look promising
    because ionized calcium helps to build bone.
    Improving your immune system and getting rid of acid foods and drinks is a plus.

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