Recently, a doctor in California challenged me to have another Dexascan.  I had pretty much sworn off Dexascan technology after learning about the questionable reliability of DXA readings and after learning that small-boned women of Irish ancestry often read as “low density” on these scans simply because of our genetic makeup. (My last Dexascan was in November 26, 2008.)

Besides, I healed in record time from the shoulder fracture I sustained in a bike accident back in 2008.  That was a sure sign to me that there was nothing wrong with my body’s bone-building ability.

Nevertheless, the California doctor insisted that she believed I was in grave danger of bone fracture.  So, I finally decided to have the Dexascan.  Here’s what the scan revealed:

Lumbar spine region:  Less than a 1% bone loss in 4 years
Left hip region:  Approximately 6.3% bone loss in 4 years

I’m okay with the first indicator, but not the second.  I’ve mentioned before that bone density is not the only factor in determining bone quality; another factor is bone flexibility.  According to the Dr. Angelo Licata  (Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine), “bone quality is a composite of properties that make bone resist fracture, such as its microarchitecture, accumulated microscopic damage, the quality of collagen, mineral crystal size, and bone turnover. ”  Nevertheless, rather than losing bone density over time, I would much rather increase it!

The California doctor wanted me to pay for a consultation appointment with her where she would recommend a battery of tests to determine the cause of my low bone density.  She said there had to be an underlying problem for someone to have bone density as low as mine!   I told her I would think about it and get back with her, and I did.

My decision?

About four months ago, I started bioidentical hormone treatment which, along with other positive effects, is supposed to increase bone density.  If I were to start a new protocol of treatment with the California doctor, I would not be able to tell what effect bioidentical hormone treatment actually will have had on my bone density.  My decision, therefore, is to stick with the bioidentical hormone treatment and then have another Dexascan in October 2013 to determine my progress.

In the meantime, I’ll also need to rededicate myself to the OsteoDiet program!  I think I got a bit cocky after healing from the shoulder fracture so quickly.  During the past year and a half, I haven’t kept up as diligently with workouts and daily sunlight, putting them on the back burner as I concentrated more time in my two businesses and my grandchildren.

Bottom line:  If I want to keep my bones in good health, I’m going to have to make these activities a top priority!




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