Bio CQuestion:  Kathy, Can you tell me what Beyond C Powder is? You mention it a lot.

Answer:   “Beyond C” powder has been re-titled “Bio En’R-G’Y C”, but the formulation and manufacturer remain the same.  This pleasant tasting, non-acidic, pH neutral combination of L-Ascorbate C crystals and GMS-Ribose allowed the consumption of mega doses of Vitamin C in a bioavailable form with minimal gas or diarrhea.  I have a teaspoon of “Bio En’R-G’Y C” in tea in the morning and evening, which means 4000 units of Vitamin C in the morning and 4000 at night. “Bio En’R-G’Y C”‘ provides  nutrients that “offer free radical protection, detoxification, increased energy levels, enhanced digestion and an improved immune system.”

I order “Bio En’R-G’Y C” powder directly from Longevity Plus in Phoenix, Arizona.  To visit their website, go to

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