Both walking and running are weight-bearing exercises that help to build bone. But which one burns more calories? Click on the link to find out!
Both walking and running are weight-bearing exercises that help to build bone. But which one burns more calories? Click on the link to find out!
Following the natural path to healthier bones!
100 Days of Real Food
Better Bones
Dr. Berg: 7 Ways to Improve Bone Health
Dr. Steven D'Antonio
Save Our Bones
I’m a fast-walker, and between walking and jogging, I prefer walking more. I’m someone with a bigger bust, and jogging is a little bit painful for me. For additional benefits, I make sure to drink fruit and vegetable smoothies before I go out for an early morning walk with my dog. This makes me full satiated and I tend to avoid junk food better. This would really help people who want to lose weight fast and healthily.