Nutrition, posture, and exercise are key to preventing loss of height. For the full story, help yourself to this excellent article from
Tags: height loss, osteoporosis
Nutrition, posture, and exercise are key to preventing loss of height. For the full story, help yourself to this excellent article from
Tags: height loss, osteoporosis
Following the natural path to healthier bones!
100 Days of Real Food
Better Bones
Dr. Berg: 7 Ways to Improve Bone Health
Dr. Steven D'Antonio
Save Our Bones
For several years I was hyper thyroid, I took blockers, now I am hypo thyroid and take .88 Synthroid. Is there a better way. I noticed in this articular that a Dr. Rogers used something beside Synthroid. I have eye problems, weight problems, osteo problems. Recently had a hip replacement and it fractured in surgery. My Doctor wants me to take bone drugs but they have so many side effects. I am going to try your diet but was wondering about the thyroid replacement.