Thanks be to God, I found the solution to my neck problems at Pure Alignment Chiropractic!
Dr. Katherine Burtis, D.C. (“Dr. Kat”) uses a chiropractic method called Torque Release Technique, or TRT. Her adjustments, traction devices, stretches, and exercises have brought about tremendous improvement in my neck pain and flexibility.
On my initial visit to the office, they took a set of x-rays, did an exam of the range of motion in my neck, and asked me many questions about my medical history and health goals. One of the x-rays astounded me when I saw it! It was a full-length view of the bones of my entire spine, and I was shocked at how crooked and twisted it looked!
Now that I have been under Dr. Kat’s care for almost three months, receiving spinal adjustments three times a week, she said I am due for another set of x-rays in just three more visits. I can hardly wait to see the improvement!
If you are experiencing aches and pains, I highly recommend that you give Pure Alignment Chiropractic a try! Here’s the link, so that you can learn about TRT directly from their website: PureAlignmentChiro.com