Yesterday in physical therapy, Jeremy stretched my shoulder joint vertically to about 165 degrees (out of 180). This means I have recovered most of my range of motion since my shoulder fracture in June, but not all. Jeremy said the last degrees are the hardest in stretching out a “frozen” shoulder, where the tough capsule […]
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Last week at church the lector read from the book of Ezekiel about how God brought to life a pile of dry bones: “The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of […]
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Last month I joined an on-line support group, sponsored by the National Osteoporosis Foundation in cooperation with Inspire. Since then I have benefited greatly by the experiences and advice the members have shared, and I have had the opportunity to share my journey with others. Here’s the introductory information you’ll find when you visit the […]
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According to my chiropractor, Dr. Ashley Bourne, some fruits and vegetables are more important to buy organic than others because of the higher pesticide load that some conventionally grown foods carry. This is the breakdown, according to his research: Best to Buy Organic: Peaches Apples Sweet bell peppers Celery Nectarines Strawberries Cherries Lettuce Grapes (imported) […]
The creamy taste of this peach pie comes from bone-friendly almond milk, instead of bone-hostile heavy cream. A big hit with my family, this is one recipe you won’t want to miss! You will need: Oven preheated to 400 degrees. 1 9″ pie pan 2 pie doughs for top and bottom crusts 2 large mixing […]
Recently I have been reading about the strontium-calcium debate. Although research is inconclusive, some studies indicate that strontium and calcium may compete with each other for absorption. Personally, I find this puzzling, since both are needed to build strong bone. The fact that I take liquid strontium, calcium-magnesium, and cell-ready minerals together in my “Bone […]
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