Fairly often someone will say they’d like to go on my diet…then they add the tag, “But that will take all the fun out of life.” With that comment, they defeat themselves before they even start.

It’s like Jesus said about loving God. You’ve got to do it with all your soul and all your mind and all your will and all your strength. Everything in you has to be headed in the same direction, aiming for the same goal, hoping for the same result. If your goal is optimal health and energy, then you can’t let a craving for unhealthy foods get in your way. Instead, you provide delicious alkalizing foods for yourself that will build a healthy body while satisfying the desire to enjoy what you eat. It’s not impossible. It just takes a clear vision of what you REALLY want, and aligning every part of yourself–mind, body, and spirit–toward achieving that vision. It helps to have friends and family in your corner, too!

Need a bone-building buddy? Write me anytime. That’s why I’m here.

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2 Comments on What do you REALLY want?

  1. Kathy says:

    Hello, Lisa. I will pray with you for the best solution for your health. The doctors cannot MAKE do anything you don’t want to do. Truly it is up to you to decide, with the grace of God. You can build up your bone strength, using the 80% alkaline / 20% acid OsteoDiet. Perhaps that will be what you need to help your hip heal. I will pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be with you as you make your decision.

    God bless you,

  2. Lisa says:


    The end of October I took a really bad fall not only fracturing my hip but also broke all the bones in my left wrist. I have gone through surgery and now the wrist is completely healed. But the hip has yet to completely heal and my doctor wants to do a hip replacment.
    Currently have little pain and am able to walk with a cane and I know my faith and friends & family have brought me this far. Do not have it in me to undergo yet another surgery and start over again. I pray to God for help to place me back on my normal track of life.



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