betterbonesA friend referred me to another great website for information about building bones naturally:  Better Bones!

At The Center for Better Bones , directed by Dr. Susan E. Brown, PhD., the staff promotes an all-natural approach to bone health using consultation and guided programs that include nutrition, diet, exercise, and lifestyle education.

You can check out Dr. Brown’s website by clicking on this link:

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4 Comments on For better bones, visit!

  1. silvia peterson says:

    Hi Kathy! Can’t get Hotmail going on new computer. was told that bump on finger is more than likely just a broken blood vessel. It’s no bigger and hasn’t moved. Thanks always for caring!!Silvia

  2. Paula says:

    Thanks Kathy, for posting this link to Dr. Browns website. I had a phone consultation with her last January and found it to be very helpful. She does not promise “pie in the sky” but gives the benefit of her outstanding knowledge on bones and what makes them work and gives us the tools and knowledge to try to help ourselves.
    I am not using strontium but following most of her other recommendations many of them which co-incide with your chosen path.

    I will be working on trying to change my PH balance to more alkaline…right now it is usually 6.4/6.5.My goal is 7..well actually 6.8. Then I will aim for 7. Taking small steps usually works better for me. Maybe 7.5 is in my future but I will just aim to lower it however much I am able to for a few weeks and then go from there.

    Paula {raindancer]

  3. Kathy says:

    You’re most welcome, Dr. Brown. I’m honored that you wrote us at, and I’m excited about discovering the wonderful things you are doing at The Center for Better Bones. I’ll sign up for your bi-monthly blog today. I hope my readers will, too!

    God bless you,

  4. Hi Kathy,

    Thanks for making note of our website on bone health ( Your readers might also like to sign up for muy bi-monthly blog on new ntural bone health insights.

    Best wishes for your own health,

    Susan Brown, Ph.D.

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