thyroidAfter reading Dr. Siegal’s book, Is Your Thyroid Making You Fat?, I am ready to be OsteoDiet’s guinea pig in following his 28-Day Diet to determine metabolic rate.  It looks simple enough to do, is not time-consuming, and looks healthy enough.  I can use OsteoDiet’s 80% alkaline/20% acid ratio as part of my eating plan for strong bones, too.  If my metabolic rate is below normal, that might indicate the need to take a natural thyroid supplement.  If my metabolic rate is normal, that might indicate the I simply need to watch my calories more closely or increase my daily exercise or both.

I’m planning to start the 28-day diet on June 18th and end on July 16th.  If you’re interested in joining me, I recommend that you read Dr. Siegal’s book first, which is available on  When I ordered mine, it arrived in just two days!

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