Weekly Workout

I found this article on-line today for delicious, easy-to-make protein shakes. I’m going to try the Berry-Vanilla Shake this morning, substituting almond milk for the regular milk for added bone health, and frozen strawberries and water in place of berries and ice. To read the article, click here: http://www.protein-shakes.ca/7-Healthy-and-Creative-Protein-Shake-Recipes-That-Rock.html

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Kathy on July 10th, 2008

It’s been three weeks since I fractured my shoulder in a bicycle accident. At this point, I’m up to an hour per day of exercise while my shoulder mends: 1) Stretching: 5 minutes 2) Stationary bike: 1 mile or 4 minutes 3) Walking, both for exercise and for fresh air and sunshine: 30 minutes 4) […]

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Kathy on June 22nd, 2008

While my humeral fractures heal, the doctor says: No driving, no swimming, no biking, no boogie boarding, no running, etc. My left arm must NOT BE MOVED and must remain in the sling and swath, bound firmly to my side. This does not mean, however, that working out is out of the question. On the […]

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Kathy on March 16th, 2008

Yesterday I set a new personal record for 5K time: 35 minutes 36 seconds. Just think! A year ago I hoped I could at least finish a 5K, walking the entire way. Three years ago I was worried that I might have to give up my job working upstairs because my feet hurt so bad […]

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Kathy on March 1st, 2008

Boogie boarding has got to be one of the most enjoyable ways to get exercise and build bone density. It gets you out in the sun, which promotes the production of Vitamin D for stronger bones. It also gets you out in the surf where negative ions abound, which helps the red blood cells to […]

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Kathy on February 18th, 2008

What a lovely beach day it was with blue skies and a high of 82! Breakfast: Fruity Protein Shake, 2 pieces of Applesauce Coffee Cake (See Recipes) Exercise: At the beach – Boogie Boarding! Snack: Banana, water Lunch: 2 pieces of Applesauce Coffee Cake, tuna salad, celery & almond butter Snack: 1 piece of Applesauce […]

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Kathy on February 16th, 2008

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34 It’s been a while since I’ve written, but not because I haven’t wanted to. I’ve been tied up with school work, as our state tests are approaching. Also, my dear aunt moved in with us, and we’ve been making […]

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