In today’s world of processed foods and high-pressure stress, optimum health that leads to strong bones doesn’t just happen.  To obtain and maintain health, I follow a daily checklist that keeps me on track.

____ 1.  Have I offered my day to God, asking for His guidance, blessing, and presence?

____ 2.  Have I weighed myself this morning to stay motivated to maintain my proper weight?

____ 3.  When will I hydrate to drink at least 6-8 cups of water per day? (Example: before breakfast, at breakfast with supplements, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, supper, before bedtime with supplements)

____ 4.  Have I planned healthy meals and snacks for the day: breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, supper, and bedtime?  Have I eliminated fried foods, processed foods, and foods to which I am allergic or that I don’t digest well?

____ 5.  If I am eating any main meals away from home, have I packaged my daily supplements for easy consumption?

____ 6.  When will I exercise?  Have I alternated between weight bearing exercise, aerobic exercise, and stretching/flexibility exercise? When will I spend time (2-10 minutes) rebounding to keep my lymph flowing and refreshed?

____ 7.  Does my spine feel in alignment?  If not, have I made an appointment for a chiropractic adjustment?

____ 8.  Have I tested the acidity of my saliva or urine at least once this week to make sure my blood is at the correct alkaline pH level of approximately 7.38?

____ 9.  Have I set aside some relaxation time in my day with family that I love and activities that I enjoy?

____ 10. Have I planned 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep to allow body, mind, and soul to regenerate, so that I will feel my best tomorrow?

As the old saying goes, if we fail to plan, we plan to fail.  By planning for success in the area of health, however, we reap a cornucopia of blessings for a strong body, mind, soul, and spirit!

May God bless you today and always,

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1 Comment on Top 10 Checklist for Daily Health and Strong Bones

  1. […] 5) I had gotten away from weighing myself every morning.  I started doing that again when I wrote the article last week, “Top 10 Checklist for Daily Health and Strong Bones.” […]

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