Osteoporosis Diet
I love healthy sweet potato fries! Yum! Yum! http://www.joybauer.com/healthy-recipes/sweet-potato-fries.aspx?xid=nl_JoyBauersFoodCures_20110221
I don’t know about you, but it was h-a-r-d for me to give up forbidden foods. It took me a year to give up Diet Coke! Even when I was able to leave behind foods I craved, I held onto a ton of resentment, crying in pillow about how unfair it was the “other people” […]
Before breakfast weight (in pounds): 121.6 pH level: 6.0 (urine), 6.4 (saliva)…Better than 5.5 acid level, but far short of the desired 7.4 alkaline level. Time for more calcium-loaded foods! Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled with chopped tomatoes, onions, and peppers, 2 slice of Ezekiel bread, Tangerine tea with Vitality C, water Between meals: Water Lunch: Tossed […]
Continue reading about The Daily Diet – Wednesday, January 12, 2011