The Wednesday Walkers trekked a total of 100.9 miles during the 2008-2009 school year! Who are the Wednesday Walkers? We are a group of teachers, administrators, and clerical staff members from Southwestern Middle School in DeLand, Florida, who care about fitness. Every Wednesday afternoon we don our walking shoes after school and speed walk through […]
Now that summer is here and school is out for a couple of months, I have some definite goals for OsteoDiet. First, a ton of information will be coming your way about nutrition and its effects on our bones. I recently accompanied Dr. Bourne to a convention at Standard Process, maker of the whole food […]
I have found a new mantra that helps me maintain my resolve to eat only healthful, bone-building foods: “No one puts food in my mouth, but me.” At work when the faculty and staff lay out a covered dish luncheon, complete with fried foods and sugar-laden dishes, I repeat: “No one puts food in my […]
Now that the battle against osteoporosis has been won physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, my main thrust is to continue to keep my bones strong by keeping my body healthy and vibrant. Good health habits must be maintained, or the victory won will have to be fought all over again. Perish the thought! Instead, these […]
If you’re like me, cold weather crimps your style. When Jack Frost moved into the neighborhood, I huddled indoors, away from freezing temperatures and nature’s withered appearance, until I began to feel depressed and lifeless myself. This year I decided to beat the winter blues. I talked to friends, searched my soul, and surfed the […]
Well, folks, I tipped the scale Sunday at 117.2 pounds. That may not seem like a lot, but it represents a five-pound gain since the beginning of last summer. My jeans, which fit nicely when I weighed 112, are getting tight. It’s time to go on a diet within the OsteoDiet. Where to begin? With […]
Continue reading about Going on a Diet Within a Diet: Losing 5 Pounds While Building Bone!
Who among us is not busy-to-the-max? We juggle responsibilities and activities as best we can, letting out a sigh at the end of the day as we finish our sunup-to-sundown race with time. What we generally don’t see is what’s that constant stress is doing inside our bodies. During my last visit with Dr. Rogers, […]