Kathy on January 15th, 2011

Daily DietBefore breakfast weight (in pounds):  121.6

pH level:  6.0 (urine), 7.4 (saliva)…Better than yesterday.  Salivia reading is perfect, but urine level is still low.   Bring on the Greens Shake!

Before breakfast:  8 oz water

Breakfast:  2 slices of Ezekiel bread, Greens Shake with 1 tbsp liquid chlorophyll, supplements, water

Between meals:  Water

Lunch:   Protein shake with my favorite whole food protein powder + 8 frozen strawberries, 12 raw almonds, and 8 oz. water

Between meals:  Cocoa Cherry Standard Bar (from Standard Process), Camomile Citrus tea

Supper:  Beef cubes, potato cubes, carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, water

Bedtime:   Water

Supplements taken today:    Twice Daily Essential Packets (from Designs for Health)

NES Infoceuticals:  New protocol begins today!  ED 3 Cell Driver, ED 5 Circulation Driver, EI 4 Neurotransmitters-Heart Meridian, EI 10 Circulation-Heart Protector Meridian, ET 8 Nero, ES 8 Chill

Kathy on January 13th, 2011

Daily DietBefore breakfast weight (in pounds):  121.6

pH level:  6.0 (urine), 6.4 (saliva)…Better than 5.5 acid level, but far short of the desired 7.4 alkaline level.  Time for more calcium-loaded foods!

Breakfast:  2 eggs scrambled with chopped tomatoes, onions, and peppers, 2 slice of Ezekiel bread, Tangerine tea with Vitality C, water

Between meals:  Water

Lunch:  Tossed spinach salad with tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, walnuts, and sunflower seeds, water

Between meals: Water

Supper:  6″ tuna sub from Subway with lettuce, tomato, cucumbers, green peppers, and spinach, water, apple

Bedtime: Protein shake blended with my favorite whole food protein powder, 8 frozen strawberries, 11 raw almonds, and 8 oz water

Supplements taken today:    Twice Daily Essential Packets (from Designs for Health)

NES Infoceuticals:  PL, ED 4, ED 11, ED 14, ED 16, ESR

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Want to burn more calories and increase stamina while you gain bone strength and improve your health?  

 Take a look at this great article from CalorieCount.com that outlines 10 Simple Ways to Increase Your Metabolism!


Kathy on January 10th, 2011

CocommuneBarCaseJust when I thought I’d never get to eat another candy bar, Design for Health’s Cocommune Bar made its grand entrance into my life!  Granted, it’s not a candy bar, but it sure tastes like it to me.  Who would have believed that something this delectable could actually be good for me?

What it’s for:   Cocommune Bars are a coconut-filled immune system support bar!

What’s good about it:   Contains 500 mg of  Tegricel™ per bar.  Tegricel® (patent pending) is a novel nutriceutical designed to enhance general immune function and toheal and repair damaged gastrointestinal mucosal tissue.    The fat content of the bar is provided by coconut and coconut oil, which are known to possess anti-bacterial and immune-enhancing properties. Coconut oil is very easily burned into energy.  The coating is made of nutritious, antioxidant-rich dark chocolate, and there’s only one net carbohydrate per bar.

What’s bad about it:   Well, my husband doesn’t like it.  He says it tastes weird, but I think it tastes great!

It’s better than:   a Mounds bar because it doesn’t give me nasty sores on my tongue when I eat it.

It’s not as good as:  an Almond Joy candy bar…I miss the almonds.

Why I use this product:   Cocommune Bars came up on my LSA scan as highly beneficial for my immune system.  I would recommend it to anyone who likes dark chocolate and coconut!

Best place to get it:   I get mine from Dr. Steven D’Antonio in Winter Park, Florida.  You can also find them advertised on-line.

For more information about the product, check with your health care professional or Google Search “Cocommune Bars” on the web.


Kathy on January 8th, 2011
Dr. Mark Hyman

Dr. Mark Hyman

Is being healthy a revolutionary act? 

In this day and age, when the standard diet is filled with toxins and indigestible ingredients, it’s a questions worth asking.   Check out Dr. Mark Hyman’s answer by clicking on this link:  Being Healthy a Revolutionary Act?

It’s time to take back out health!…and our bones!

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Kathy on December 6th, 2010

gypsy soupNow that cooler temperatures are here, it’s time to add some new bone-building soup recipes to the menu!   This one comes to OsteoDiet from CalorieCount.com.


Bone apetit!



Kathy on November 28th, 2010

broccoliIn American culture, we usually plan our menus around the meat/fish course.  For instance, we’ll say, “I’m fixing baked salmon,” and then we pick out “side dishes” of broccoli or rice to accompany the salmon.  Or, we might say, “I’m in the mood for barbecue chicken,” then add green beans and mashed potatoes to the mix.

Instead of planning around the meat, what if we started planning our menus around a vegetable?  Example:  We could serve a plate of sauteed cabbage as the main dish, with a few turkey sausage medallions and a small baked potato on the side.   Or, how about serving a large serving of broccoli with cherry tomatoes as the main attraction with small portions of salmon and rice? 

Remember:  The secret of the OsteoDiet is the 80% alkaline/20% acid balance!  Giving 1st place to vegetables helps us maintain the alkaline balance that results in the desired 7.38 blood pH level which allows bones to absorb and keep the calcium and other minerals that keep bones strong.

1st place goes to…vegetables!
